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The aim of the survey was to find out the size and characteristics of the disabled adult population of GB. The research is based on a follow-up survey of disabled respondents in the 1996/97 Family Resources Survey - a continuous survey of household characteristics, incomes and resources. Respondents who match any one of a series of sift criteria based on age, benefit receipt or reported health problems are asked to take part in a further interview. This asks in detail about cause, type and severity of disability, the extra needs and costs which result, and participation in leisure and social activities.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Prevalence, severity and types of disability; socio-demographic characteristics; economic activity; financial circumstances; use of social and health services; needs for assistance; and social participation.
Great Britain, accidents, advice, aggressiveness, aids for the disabled, aids for the hearing impaired, aids for the speech impaired, aids for the visually impaired, alcohol consumption, anxiety, arithmetic, assault, attitudes, bed coverings, care in the community, care of the disabled, chronic illness, cinema attendance, clothing, clubs, cognition disorders, community behaviour, comprehension, concentration, concert going, costs, cultural participation, day centres, debilitative illness, depression, diet and nutrition, digestive system disorders, disabilities, disabled facilities, disabled persons, diseases, domestic equipment aids, domestic responsibilities, drugs, early retirement, emotional states, employment, employment history, everyday life, expenditure, family life, family members, fear, financial resources, food, food preparation, furniture, grants, health, health advice, health consultations, health services, hearing aids, hearing impairments, heating systems
Identifier Variables
Standard regions
Area of Health System
Public health
Data Available
Risk behaviours, Socio-economic, Demographic
Data collecting organization (s)
Department of Social Security. Social Research Branch
Data Type
Survey (cross-sectional)
Coverage (date of field work)
1996, 1997
Unit of Analysis

Disabled adults in Great Britain selected as part of the Family Resources Survey 1996-1997. Sample size 7263 face to face interviews completed.

ESDS Access and Preservation, UK Data Archive
Conditions of Access
Free registration access
Hanson J. The housing and support needs of adults aged 18-55 with impaired vision: A good practice guide. University College London: London, 2005