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Refining Individual Placement and Support for UK practice and establishing its cost-effectiveness in a pragmatic, non-inferiority RCT

Collaborators: Prof Tom Burns, Dept of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Information: Judit Simon, Alastair Gray

People with mental health problems are almost three times more unlikely to be employed than any other group of people with disabilities. Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is a type of supported employment, with no time limitation, that aims to return it's clients to a competitive market workplace quickly and without any extra training with the help of an Employment Specialist. The IPS-Lite trial compares traditional IPS with IPS-LITE, a time-limited service, in which patients have 9 months to search for a job and 4 months work support after starting a job.

The study aims to address the following research questions:

    1. Is IPS-LITE as, or more effective, than standard IPS?
    2. Is IPS-LITE more cost-effective?
    3. Are there differences in other outcomes (vocational and health-related) between the two interventions?
    4. Are there differences in patient baseline characteristics which influence the response to the two interventions?

HERC is advising on the health economic components of the study.

IPS-Lite website