HERC researcher Dr Sarah Wordsworth is a co-author of a chapter on 'Economics of Sequencing' in the 2016 Chief Medical Officer’s annual report, ‘Generation Genome’ which has been published today and explores how genomics might become integrated into routine clinical practice.
Professor Dame Sally Davies's eighth independent report to government as CMO looks at the current state of genomic service provision in the NHS in England, and explores the potential of genomics for improving health and preventing ill-health.
The CMO’s recommendations include access to regularly updated information for clinicians on when and how to initiate genetic testing and parity of access to genetic testing, diagnosis and advice for patients across England.
You can access the full report here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/chief-medical-officer-annual-report-2016-generation-genome
A BBC news article about the report can be viewed here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-40479533#