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The objectives of the study were: to establish whether self-funded people who are admitted to residential care differ significantly in terms of financial assets and informal support from elderly people in private households; to establish the extent to which self-financed residents are admitted at levels of dependency that might have been maintained in the community; to investigate the process of admission and whether those people with lower levels of dependency are admitted through choice or lack of access to appropriate alternatives; to investigate factors associated with the choice of home; identify the level of receipt of non-means tested benefits; and to estimate expected length of stay of self-funded residents.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Care home, family/friends, home managers

The dataset contains data from a survey of care home managers, and from a survey of relatives or other contacts of residents of care homes, where these were available. the home managers provided information about the home on the home manager questionnaire and about recently-admitted residents on the resident questionnaire. The relatives/other contacts provided information about the same residents on the family/friend questionnaire.

Great Britain, access to facilities, age, basic needs, behavioural problems, care in the community, dementia, diet and nutrition, diseases, domestic safety, educational background, elderly, faecal incontinence, family members, fees, financial support, gender, home ownership, home selling, housing facilities, income, investment, learning disabilities, local government, marital status, memory disorders, mental health, mortality, motor processes, neighbours, nursing care, occupations, old people's clubs, personal hygiene, place of residence, price policy, private housing, reasoning, rehabilitation (medical), religious attendance, residential care of the elderly, residential care of the sick, residential mobility, residents of institutions, respite care, room sharing, rooms, savings, social activities (leisure), social isolation, social security benefits, social services, social support, terminally ill, urinary incontinence, walking aids, wheelchairs
Identifier Variables
Economic/Subject Categories
Area of Health System
Social care
Data Available
Risk behaviours, Demographic
Data collecting organization (s)
University of Kent at Canterbury. Personal Social Services Research Unit
Data Type
Survey (cross-sectional)
Coverage (date of field work)
1999, 2000
Unit of Analysis

Residential and nursing homes (care homes) catering for older people funding their own care (self-funders); individual self-funded older people in care homes; 500 care homes selected; 481 care homes agreed to participate, and 292 care homes had 1076 admissions in survey period.

ESDS Access and Preservation, UK Data Archive
Conditions of Access
Free registration access