Applied Methods of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Health Care
Handbooks in Health Economic Evaluation, volume 4
This book provides the reader with a comprehensive set of instructions and examples of how to perform a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of a health intervention. Developed out of a course run by Jordan Louviere at the University of Technology, Sydney, entitled An Introduction to Stated Preference Discrete Choice Modelling it has a particular focus on the use of stated preference survey methods to identify consumer preference data, as well as the use of recent developments in cost-effectiveness analysis within a CBA framework. In doing so, the most up to date methodologies for CBA are compiled in a comprehensive manner with the aim of advancing the methodology of CBA in healthcare.
The book includes illustrative material, case histories and worked examples to encourage the reader to apply the methods discussed.
Supporting Material
- Table 10.1 DCE Study Table: Word file
- Discount Present Value Table: Excel file
- Closed Ended Average WTP: Excel file
- WTP Demand Curve: Excel file
- Closed Ended Average WTP: sav file
- WTP Dataset Iterative Bidding: sav file
- WTP Dataset Open ended and Payment scale: sav file
Corrected Tables 7.3 and 7.5 here.
Emma McIntosh, Senior Researcher, Health Economics Research Centre, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford, UK
Philip Clarke, Associate Professor, School of Public Health, The University of Sydney, Australia
Emma Frew, Senior Lecturer in Health Economics, University of Birmingham, UK
Jordan Louviere, Professor of Marketing and Executive Director, Centre for the Study of Choice (CenSoC), The University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
F. Reed Johnson
W.L. (Vic) Adamowicz
Alastair Gray
Mathias Haefeli
Achim Elfering
Atul Sukthankar
Norbert Boos
Richard Carson
Denzil G. Fiebig