Economics, Modelling and Diabetes: the Mount Hood Five Challenge 2010
A conference on health economic modelling of diabetes and its complications
18-19 September 2010
Clinical Research Centre, University of Lund, Malmo, Sweden
9.00-5.00 Saturday and Sunday
This conference focuses on economic aspects of diabetes and its complications.
A major focal point of the conference will be a comparison of health economic diabetes models both in terms of their structure and performance.
A particular theme of this challenge will be how health economic simulation models can deal with uncertainty, and will be led by Professor Andrew Briggs, University of Glasgow.
The conference will also have open sessions on all aspects of the health economics of diabetes.
Following previous Mount Hood Challenges, the emphasis will be on comparing model projections to real world or clinical trial outcomes, and explanation and discussion of potential differences seen between each model and the real world results. Potential participants will be contacted by the Steering Committee in May 2010.
Abstract submissions are invited on the following themes
(1) Modelling diabetes disease progression and its complications
(2) Effect of diabetes on society – its impact on life and work
(3) Economic approaches to measuring quality of life
(4) Quantifying the cost of diabetes and its complications
(5) Methodological aspects of diabetes modelling
Plenary Speaker
Professor Andrew Briggs was appointed to the Lindsay Chair in Health Policy and Economic Evaluation at the University of Glasgow in June 2005. Previously, he held the position of Reader in Health Economics at the University of Oxford's Health Economics Research Centre (HERC). He has an interest in all aspects of economic evaluation applied to health care, in particular the use of statistical methods for assessing cost and cost-effectiveness, and the use of risk/prognostic modelling for making treatment decisions and guiding policy. In addition to his research, he serves as associate editor for the journal Medical Decision Making, is co-editor of the journal Health Economics and is on the editorial board of Value in Health.
Conference Registration
1. Go to the following link:
2. To select English, click on the flag in the top right corner.
3. Fill out all the Customer information
4. Type in the appropriate registration fee amount in Swedish Krona (see below)
5. Click “Next”
Early-bird Registration by 1 July 2010
Industry $US600 (4300 Swedish Krona)
Public Sector/Academic $US300 (2150 Swedish Krona )
Swedish State Authorities (VAT exempt) 1720 Swedish Krona
Registration after 1 July 2010
Industry $US700 (5020 Swedish Krona)
Public Sector/Academic $US400 (2868 Swedish Krona)
Swedish State Authorities (VAT exempt) 2294 Swedish Krona
A limited number of bursaries are available for early career health economic researchers. Please email for further details.
Abstract Submission Requirements
- SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 5p.m. Monday 31 May 2010 Central European Time
- Conference registration is required for all presenters.
- The presenters of research are required to disclose financial support. Abstractreview will NOT be based on this information.
- The research abstracts, EXCLUDING title and author information, should be nolonger than 300 words.
- The use of tables, graphs and figures in your research abstract submission are not allowed.
- Generic names should be used for technologies (drugs, devices), not tradenames.
- Research that has been published at any national or international meeting prior to this Conference is discouraged.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the steering committee and notification of acceptance or rejection will be made by Wednesday June 30th, 2010.
Mount Hood Five Organising Committee
Philip Clarke, University of Sydney
Ulf Gerdtham, Lund University
Alastair Gray, Oxford University
Bill Herman, University Michigan
Elbert Huang University of Chicago
Andrew Palmer, University of Tasmania
Katarina Steen Carlsson, Lund University
If you have any queries or would like further information about the conference please email: