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This survey was designed to provide actionable feedback to each participating trust on patients' views of the ambulance care they had received in England. The survey covered only emergency ('999') and urgent calls attended by ambulance NHS trusts. It includes both patients who were taken by the ambulance crew to hospital, and those who were attended to but not taken to hospital.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Details of the incident, response to the telephone call, ambulance crew staff, courtesy and helpfulness of staff, advice and treatment given by staff, and respondent demographic details
See study questionnaire for variable list at:[…]/5164%5Cmrdoc%5Cpdf%5C5164userguide.pdf
England, age, ambulance services, cleaning, clinical protocols, clinical tests and measurements, emotional states, ethnic groups, families, friends, gender, health, health advice, health consultations, health professionals, health services, hospital services, information needs, interpersonal trust, medical care, medical diagnosis, medical history, pain, paramedical personnel, patients, right to privacy, social support, transport
Identifier Variables
PCT, NHS trust
Economic/Subject Categories
Quality measure, Proxies
Area of Health System
Secondary care
Data Available
Socio-economic, Demographic
Data collecting organization (s)
Picker Institute Europe and Healthcare Commission
Data Type
Survey (cross-sectional)
Coverage (date of field work)
Unit of Analysis

12,282 adult patients who were taken by an ambulance crew to hospital, and those who were attended to but not taken to hospital, in England

ESDS Access and Preservation, UK Data Archive
Conditions of Access
Free registration access
Chambers JA and Guly HR. The need for better pre-hospital analgesia. Archives of Emergency Medicine 1993; 10: 187-192