Arrestee Survey
- Abstract
The survey aimed to provide information on a range of areas within the drugs and crime nexus, including the prevalence of problematic drug misuse among respondents representing arrest events; drug and/or alcohol consumption; availability of drugs; levels of demand (met and/or unmet) for drug and alcohol treatment services among respondents; levels of intravenous drug use among respondents; and gang membership.
- Main Topics/Subject Category
- Demographic characteristics; arrest, prison history and past contact with CJS; offending and offence categories; drug and alcohol use; drug purchasing and availability; drug and alcohol treatment needs; treatment offered and received; and gang involvement. Some of the above questions were answered by self-completion questionnaire, and an oral fluid (saliva) sample was also taken.
- Variables
Demographic characteristics, arrest, prison history and past contact with CJS, offending and offence categories, drug and alcohol use, drug purchasing and availability, drug and alcohol treatment needs, treatment offered and received, gang involvement.
- Keywords
- England and Wales, adults, advice, age, alcohol consumption, amphetamines, anti-social behaviour act, antibiotics, arrest, assault, bail, beggars, burglary, cannabis, children, clinical tests and measurements, cocaine, community service (punishment), conventional weapons, counselling, criminal damage, criminal record, criminals, drug abuse, drug addiction, drug trafficking, drug-use detection, economic activity, ecstasy (drug), educational background, employment services, ethnic groups, foster care, fraud, gender, guns, health consultations, heroin, homelessness, housing, lsd (drug), magic mushrooms, medical care, medicinal drugs, methadone, money, motor vehicles, offences, payments, police activities, prison discharge, prison sentences, prostitution, purchasing, recidivism, rehabilitation (social offenders), robbery, school punishments, selling, shops, social security benefits, theft, training, tranquillisers, youth gangs
- Identifier Variables
- N/A
- Economic/Subject Categories
- Crime
- Area of Health System
- Social care
- Data Available
- Risk behaviours, Socio-economic, Demographic
- Data collecting organization (s)
- National Centre for Social Research
- Data Type
- Survey (cross-sectional)
- National/Regional
- National
- Coverage (date of field work)
- 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
- Unit of Analysis
- Individual
- Sample
Arrest events and persons arrested in England and Wales during 2003-2006, 24,190 cases in the data file
- Availability
- ESDS Access and Preservation, UK Data Archive
- Conditions of Access
- Free registration access
- Link
- Contact