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The research focused on the role of critical incidents in the life of young people and the extent to which such critical incidents acted as crucial flashpoints in the generation of attitudes towards health-related behaviour. Specifically, the research investigated schoolchildren’s attitudes towards risk-taking and health. Consumption of alcohol and tobacco by young people was studied as a pertinent instance of health-related behaviour. Attention was focused on the 15-16 age range as a group who are of particular interest in terms of their stage of development in relation to the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

Main Topics/Subject Category
First-hand experience of a serious accident or injury, or personal experience of a serious illness or a medical condition affecting their well-being. They were also asked about any experience they had involving: the death of a close friend or someone in the close family, or a serious accident or illness affecting someone close to them.

First-hand experience of a serious accident or injury, personal experience of a serious illness, a medical condition affecting their well-being, the death of a close friend or someone in the close family, a serious accident or illness affecting someone close to them

Leicester (district), Rutland (district), accidents, age, alcohol consumption, attitudes, ethnic groups, father's economic activity, gender, health, health behaviour, health risks, ill health, illegal drugs, mother's economic activity, religious affiliation, schoolchildren, self-esteem, smoking, social class, weight control, youth, youth culture
Identifier Variables
Area of Health System
Public health
Data Available
Data collecting organization (s)
De Montfort University. Department of Public Policy
Data Type
Survey (cross-sectional)
Coverage (date of field work)
Unit of Analysis

1648 school pupils in Year 11, aged 15-16 years, in Leicestershire and Rutland during 1997.

ESDS Qualidata, UK Data Archive
Conditions of Access
Free registration access