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The Index of Multiple Deprivation combines a number of indicators, chosen to cover a range of economic, social and housing issues, into a single deprivation score for each small area in England. Deprivation Indices ranked for the extent, concentration and income scale of geographical areas. There are also six district summary scores for each Local Authority district (there are 354 districts in England) and for each County Council and higher tier (there are 149 of these). A relative ranking of areas, according to their level of deprivation is then provided. There are also supplementary Indices measuring income deprivation amongst children and older people: the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) and the Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Index (IDAOPI).

Main Topics/Subject Category
Deprivation by Local Authority, County Council, PCT

County code, county name, average score, rank of average score, average rank, rank of average rank, local concentration, income scale, employment scale, rank of employment scale, LA code, LA name, GOR code, GOR name,

Deprivation, indicators, housing, England, deprivation score, employment, income
Identifier Variables
LA, county, GOR, PCT
Economic/Subject Categories
Area of Health System
Social care, Primary care
Data Available
Risk behaviours, Socio-economic, Demographic
Data collecting organization (s)
Department for Communities and Local Government
Data Type
Coverage (date of field work)
2000, 2004, 2007
Unit of Analysis

Geographic areas in England

Communities and local government
Conditions of Access
Free access
Tel: 02079444400,
Dornan P. Localising the campaign against child poverty. Benefits 2008; 16(3): 269-77