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The East Midlands Public Health Observatory (EMPHO) is one of nine regional Public Health Observatories funded by the Department of Health in England. EMPHO is the regional health intelligence organisation providing information and analysis to support those working to improve health and reduce health inequalities in the East Midlands. Contains information on health and factors affecting health in the East Midlands

Main Topics/Subject Category
Population, determinants of health, health indicators

*Numbers of live births, by LA and PCT
*Fertility rate by LA and PCT
*Deaths from all causes by LA and PCT
*Resident population estimates for local Authorities (LA) and pcts
*Age structures of Local Authority (LA) and PCT populations
*Population change since 1991
*Population projections for England and GOR
*Population projections for east midlands by SHAs and LAs
*Ethnic composition of LA AND PCTs
*Indices of multiple deprivation
*Percentage of people employed, percentage of people long-term unemployed by LA, percentage of people long-term unemployed by LA, percentage of people permanently sick and disabled by LA 2001
*Percentage of the economically active population in the area by LA
*Proportion of unemployed people claiming benefits
*Proportion of people of working age in employment by Local Authority
*Proportion of young people (aged 18-24) in full time education or employment by Local Authority of residence
*Percentage of residents claiming council tax benefit, by Local Authority
*Proportion of children living in low income households, by super output area,
*Percentage of 11 year olds achieving the expected level 4 or above in maths and english key stage 2, by LEA
*Number of robberies recorded per 1,000 population, by CDRP
*Number of domestic burglaries recorded per 1,000 households by CDRP
*Number of gps per 100,000 population, by PCT,
*Percentage of patients waiting four hours or less in a&e from arrival to admission, transfer or discharge by PCT
*Proportion of patients on waiting list that have been waiting more than 6 months for treatment, by PCT,
*Proportion of patients on waiting list that have been waiting more than 3 months for treatment, by PCTt,
*Emergency admissions rate for asthma and diabetes per 100,000 population, by PCT,
*Flu vaccine uptake figures for people aged 65 and over byPCT
*Affordable housing by Local Authority
*Number of homeless families with children living in temporary accommodation, by LA
*All cause mortality by LA and PCT
*Life expectancy at birth for males and females byLA and PCT
*Mortality from accidents
*Mortality from cancers

Deprivation, income, employment, health, education, housing, proximity to service, access, living environment, crime, population, births, deaths, mortality, disability, self reported health, suicide
Identifier Variables
Area of Health System
Public health
Data Available
Data collecting organization (s)
East Midland Public Health Observatory
Data Type
Coverage (date of field work)
1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
Unit of Analysis

Sample size varies by dataset and year. For example number of life births in NHS hospital by PCT in 2007 in Derby UA was 3269 and 3203 in 2006. while Leicester UA was 4934 in 2007 and 4646 in 2006.

East Midlands Public Health Observatory
Conditions of Access
Free access, Free registration access
Population datasets
Determinants of health datasets[…]/determinantsofhealth.aspx
Health indicators datasets
Tel: 01623812069,