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Provides information about some key public health data sets, with links that provide information about the relevant data sets and on how to access the data.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Births and Deaths, Hospital Episode Statistics (Hospital Activity Data), Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Key East of England Public Health Indicators (tartan rug), Mental health minimum dataset, National Child Measurement Programme, National Drug Treatment Monitoring System, NCHOD Compendium of Clinical and Health Indicators, NESSTAR data catalogue: Population estimates, Population projections, Census, Deprivation indices, Health inequalities profiles, Health inequalities, Mortality data , Heart disease, Cancer, Communicable disease, Lifestyle data, Injury and accidents, European comparisons Hospital admissions data, Primary care data, Screening, Public health performance indicators, Mental health, Housing, Surveys, Substance misuse, test, Hospital mortality), Primary Care Data


Births, deaths, indicators, mental health, drugs, primary care, joint strategic needs assessment, public health indicators, national child measurement programme, national drug treatment monitoring system, NCHOD, nesstar, population estimates, population projections, census, deprivation indices, health inequalities profiles, health inequalities, mortality data, heart disease, cancer, communicable disease, lifestyle data, injury and accidents, european comparisons, hospital admissions data, primary care data, screening, public health performance indicators, mental health, housing, surveys, substance misuse, test, hospital mortality
Identifier Variables
NHS trust, PCT, country
Area of Health System
Public health
Data Available
Data collecting organization (s)
Eastern Region Public Health Observatory(ERPHO)
Data Type
Coverage (date of field work)
Depends on indicator
Unit of Analysis

Varies by dataset and year. For example there were 240,787 males and 263,265 female deaths in 2007.

Conditions of Access
Free access
Tel: 01223330353