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The study aimed to develop a generalised picture to better understand disabled people’s experiences and opinions. It also aimed to provide information to aid the monitoring of progress towards the Government’s vision of achieving substantive equality for disabled people by 2025.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Demographics and household structure, aids and adaptations, transport and getting round, social networks, employment and work, income and benefits, health, education and qualifications, sources of information, the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), quality of life.

* Demographics and household structure
* Aids and adaptations
* Transport and getting around
* Social networks
* Employment and work
* Income and benefits
* Health
* Education and qualifications
* Sources of information
* The Disability Discrimination Act (dda)
* Quality of life

Great Britain, access to health services, access to information, access to public services, age groups, aids for the disabled, aids for the hearing impaired, aids for the visually impaired, aspiration, attitudes, blogs, braille, care of the disabled, caregivers, cars, chat rooms, choice, clubs, communication disabilities, day centres, debilitative illness, demonstrations (protests), disabilities, disability discrimination, disability discrimination act, disabled accessibility, disabled facilities, disabled persons, discrimination, domestic equipment aids, economic activity, educational background, educational courses, electric mobility vehicles, electronic mail, employees, employers, employment rogrammes, ethnic groups, families, financial difficulties
Identifier Variables
Country, GOR
Area of Health System
Social care
Data collecting organization (s)
GfK NOP and Office for Disability Issues
Data Type
Survey (cross-sectional)
Coverage (date of field work)
Unit of Analysis

People aged 16 and over who have rights under the DDA, 1,860 cases

ESDS Access and Preservation, UK Data Archive
Conditions of Access
Free registration access
Williams B, et al. Experiences and Expectations of Disabled People. Office for Disability Issues, 2008