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The OPCS/ONS Surveys of Psychiatric Morbidity in Great Britain aim to provide up-to-date information about the prevalence of psychiatric problems among people in Great Britain, as well as their associated social disabilities and use of services. The series started in 1993. The primary purpose of the survey was to produce prevalence rates of three main categories of mental disorder: conduct disorder, hyperactivity and emotional disorders (and their co morbidity), based on International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Revision (DSM-IV) criteria.

Main Topics/Subject Category
General health, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), separation anxiety, specific and social phobias, panic attacks and agoraphobia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), compulsions and obsessions, generalised anxiety, depression, attention and activity, awkward and troublesome behaviour, less common disorders, significant problems, use of services for those problems, impact, use of all types of services, strengths, reading, mathematics and spelling ability

Background characteristics, general health, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), separation anxiety, specific and social phobias, panic attacks and agoraphobia, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), compulsions and obsessions, generalised anxiety, depression, attention and activity, awkward and troublesome behaviour, less common disorders, significant problems, use of services for those problems, impact, use of all types of services, strengths, reading, mathematics and spelling ability.

Great Britain, accidents, adolescence, age, aggressiveness, alcohol consumption, alcoholic drinks, alcoholism, amphetamines, anabolic steroids, anger, anxiety, anxiety disorders, assault, attitudes, behavioural disorders, birth control methods, bullying, cannabis, care in the community, care of the sick, child abuse, child sexual abuse, children, children in care, chronic illness, cocaine, cognition disorders, cohabitation, concentration, counselling, counsellors, crime, crime victims, criminal record, day centres, death, debilitative illness, decision making, depression, diet and nutrition, digestive system disorders, disabilities, disabled facilities, diseases, domestic violence, drug abuse, drug addiction, drug side-effects, drug-psychotherapy combination treatment, drugs, ecstasy (drug), educational background, educational courses, emotional disturbances, emotional states, ethnic groups, everyday life, family environment, family members, fatigue (physiology), fear, financial resources, frequency, friends, gender, general practitioners, hallucinogenic drugs, happiness, health, health consultations, health risks, health services, heroin, home visits, homelessness, hospital discharges, hospital outpatient services, hospital services, ospitalization
Identifier Variables
Economic/Subject Categories
Mental Health
Area of Health System
Secondary care
Disease Area
Mental health
Data Available
Socio-economic, Demographic
Data collecting organization (s)
Data Type
Survey (cross-sectional)
Coverage (date of field work)
2001, 2002, 2003
Unit of Analysis

Children and young people aged 11-17 years in local authority care in Great Britain, during 2001-2003, and their carers and teachers. 1,543 cases

ESDS Access and Preservation, UK Data Archive
Conditions of Access
Free registration access