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The aim of the study was to chart the initial conditions of social, economic and health advantages and disadvantages facing children born at the start of the 21st century, capturing information that the research community of the future will require, to collect information on previously neglected topics, such as fathers' involvement in children's care and development, to investigate the wider social ecology of the family, including social networks, civic engagement and community facilities and services.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Parental situation, parenting activities, child's health, child care, grandparents and friends, parents' health, self-completion questions, employment, income and education, housing and local area, other matters, employment history and new families, parents' health etc
United Kingdom, ability evaluation, accidents, age, alcohol consumption, allergies, antenatal care, asthma, attitudes, back pain, bank accounts, birth records, bottle-feeding, breast-feeding, british political parties, bronchitis, cancer, central government, child behaviour, child care, child day care, child nutrition, child psychology, child support payments, children, choice, cohabitation, communication skills, communities, computers, consumer goods, costs, criminal damage, debilitative illness, delivery (pregnancy), depression, dermatitis, developmental psychology, diabetes, digestive system disorders, divorce, domestic appliances, domestic responsibilities, domestic services, domestic violence, economic activity, education
Identifier Variables
Country, GOR
Area of Health System
Public health
Data Available
Risk behaviours, Socio-economic, Demographic
Data collecting organization (s)
University of London. Institute of Education. Centre for longitudinal Studies
Data Type
Survey (longitudinal)
Coverage (date of field work)
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Unit of Analysis

15,511 live births in the United Kingdom between 2003-2005, 18,819 (obtained) (18,533 families) live births in the United Kingdom between 2001-2003

UK Data Archive
Conditions of Access
Free registration access
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