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Dataset contains earnings of various NHS staff groups. It details the average amount earned NHS staff groups on a full time equivalent basis. GPs and dentist data is collected separately as they are paid differently from most other NHS staff groups and so not included in the dataset.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Basic Pay and Earnings for broad non-medical occupational groups, Basic Pay and Earnings for 'NHS Pay Review Body' staff groups, Basic Pay and Earnings for Agenda for Change bands, Basic Pay and Earnings for NHSPRB groups, broken down by Agenda for Change Band, NHSPRB Unqualified Nurses, NHSPRB Qualified AHPs, NHSPRB Qualified Ambulance Staff (non London), NHSPRB Unqualified Ambulance Staff (Non-London) etc

Basic pay and earnings for broad non-medical occupational groups (mean basic salary per full time equivalent, mean total earnings per full time equivalent, median full time equivalent basic salary, median full time equivalent total earnings, average fte in sample), basic pay and earnings for 'NHS pay review body' staff groups (mean basic salary per full time equivalent, mean total earnings per full time equivalent, median full time equivalent basic salary, median full time equivalent total earnings, average fte in sample), basic pay and earnings for agenda for change bands (mean basic salary per full time equivalent, mean total earnings per full time equivalent, median full time equivalent basic salary, median full time equivalent total earnings, average fte in sample), basic pay and earnings for NHS PRB groups, broken down by agenda for change band (mean basic salary per full time equivalent, mean total earnings per full time equivalent, median full time equivalent basic salary, median full time equivalent total earnings, average fte in sample), basic pay and earnings for medical staff groups.

Earning, salary, income. Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
Identifier Variables
Economic/Subject Categories
Income, Earnings
Area of Health System
Primary care, Secondary care
Data collecting organization (s)
NHS information centre
Data Type
Coverage (date of field work)
2007, 2008, 2009
Unit of Analysis

All NHS staff. Sample size not provided.

NHS information centre
Conditions of Access
Free access
Tel: 08453006016,