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Workforce statistics in England are compiled from data supplied by around 249 NHS trusts, 156 Primary Care Trusts (PCTs), 12 ambulance trusts, by and on behalf of 8,230 GP practices. Data for medical and dental staff are an annual snapshot of the number of doctors and dentists within hospital and community health services (HCHS) of the NHS. It excludes General Practitioners, GP practice staff and high street dentists. The detailed results contain further data tables for England by age, gender, specialty and grade and selected data by Strategic Health Authority area and individual organisation.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Medical and dental staff

Number of FTE staff by specialty group, specialty and grade, number of FTE staff specialty group, specialty and grade (male staff only), number of fte staff by specialty group, specialty and grade (female staff only), number of FTE staff by specialty and grade within each Strategic Health Authority area, number of FTE staff by grade within each Strategic Health Authority area, number of fte staff by grade within each individual organisation by Strategic Health Authority, number of fte staff by grade, gender and nature of contract (medical workforce only), number of FTE staff by grade, gender and country of qualification (medical workforce only), number of fte staff by grade, gender and nature of contract (dental workforce only), number of fte staff by by grade and age-band, number of fte staff by specialty group (consultants only), number of FTE staff by specialty group and specialty (doctors in training and equivalents by grade).

Qualification, gender, SHA, ethnic group, age, speciality, headcount, Full Time Equivilence (FTE), staff number, employment, supply of healthcare
Identifier Variables
Economic/Subject Categories
Employment, Labour
Area of Health System
Primary care, Secondary care
Data collecting organization (s)
NHS information centre
Data Type
Coverage (date of field work)
1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Unit of Analysis

*Total number of staff, 1998 1,071,562
*Total number of staff, 1999 1,098,348
*Total number of staff, 2000 1,118,958
*Total number of staff, 2001 1,167,166
*Total number of staff, 2002 1,224,934
*Total number of staff, 2003 1,283,901
*Total number of staff, 2004 1,331,857
*Total number of staff, 2005 1,366,030
*Total number of staff, 2006 1,338,779
*Total number of staff, 2007 1,331,109
*Total number of staff, 2008 1,368,693

NHS information centre
Conditions of Access
Free access
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