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The Public Health Interventions Cost Effectiveness Database (PHICED) is a database of bibliographic records comprising; National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance and costing templates, cost-effectiveness studies and decision tools in; alcohol, obesity, physical activity and tobacco. The development of this tool was funded by Health England and forms part of the National Library for Public Health. Information on NICE Guidance and costing templates was obtained from the NICE website. Cost-effectiveness studies were obtained from the NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED). The PHICED is intended for clinicians and healthcare decision makers who want to know more about the economic and health impacts of different public health programmes.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Alcohol, obesity, physical activity, tobacco and cost effectiveness.

Search filters include: patient groups (adults, people with CHD, children, people with diabetes, families, female adults, male adults), intervention (primary or secondary), country, public health area.

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), diabetes, primary intervention, secondary intervention, cost effectiveness, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance, alcohol, obesity, physical activity, tobacco
Identifier Variables
Economic/Subject Categories
Value of health
Area of Health System
Public health
Disease Area
Coronary heart disease
Data Available
Data collecting organization (s)
Yorkshire and the Humber Public Health Observatory
Data Type
Coverage (date of field work)
Depends on indicator
Unit of Analysis

Varies: depends on patient group, intervention type and study design

Yorkshire and the Humber Public Health Observatory
Conditions of Access
Free access
Stevens W, Thorogood M, Kayikki S. Cost-effectiveness of a community anti-smoking campaign targeted at a high risk group in London. Health Promotion International. 2002;17(1):43-50