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The study aimed to explore: the impact of new screening technologies on the social management of pregnancy, service delivery and professional roles, participants’ broader responses to the new reproductive technologies, and views about routinisation of screening and perceptions of self, the foetus, and the management of reproductive risk.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Details of pregnancy; information, decisions and facts about screening; having the screening test; scans; feelings and worries pre- and postnatal; views pre- and postnatal; previous pregnancies; demographic information; information about the baby and the birth.

Details of pregnancy, information, decisions and facts about screening, having the screening test, scans, feelings and worries pre- and postnatal, views pre- and postnatal, previous pregnancies, demographic information, information about the baby and the birth.

England, abortion (induced), antenatal care, antenatal diagnostic tests, anxiety, attitudes, child care, childbirth, choice, chronic illness, clinical tests and measurements, congenital disorders, delivery (pregnancy), emotional states, employment, ethnic groups, expectation, future happiness, health, health professionals, health risks, hospitalized children, housing, information sources, maternity services, midwives, perception, postnatal care, pregnancy, qualifications, religion, social welfare, spouses, state health services
Identifier Variables
NHS trust
Area of Health System
Secondary care, Public health
Data collecting organization (s)
University of Warwick. School of Health and Social Studies. Institute of Health
Data Type
Survey (cross-sectional)
Coverage (date of field work)
2002, 2003
Unit of Analysis

Childbearing women over 18, who were expected to deliver babies between January and July 2003, 993 cases.

ESDS Access and Preservation, UK Data Archive
Conditions of Access
Free registration access
Sandall J, et al. 'Going with the flow', routinisation and constraints on informed decision-making and non-directiveness in a one-stop clinic offering first trimester prenatal screening for Down's Syndrome : a cross-sectional survey of women's experiences and views. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (submitted paper)