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Dataset provides a range of information on alcohol use and misuse drawn together from a variety of sources.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Drinking among adults and school children, drinking in pregnancy, alcohol related crime, drinking related ill health and mortality, economic costs associated with alcohol

Maximum drunk on any one day last week by gender and Government Office Region, drinking in the week prior to interview among adults by age, adults heaviest drinking day in the last week prior to interview by age, alcohol consumption (units per week) among adults by gender and age, alcohol consumption (units per week) among adults by gender, maximum daily amount drank last week among adults by average weekly consumption, household consumption of alcoholic drinks, indices of alcohol price, retail prices, alcohol price index relative to retail prices index (all items), real households' disposable income, affordability of alcohol, average weekly consumption of different types of drink by gender and age, adult's drinking in the last week by socio-economic classification and gender, adults drinking in the last week by economic activity status and gender, adults drinking in the last week by usual gross weekly household income and gender, drinking in the last week by marital status and gender, maximum drunk on any one day last week by gender and government office region, estimation of recommended maximum alcohol intake in units per day for men by age and gender, estimation of recommended maximum alcohol intake in units per day for women by age and gender, drinkers who had seen unit labelling by gender, where drinkers had seen unit labelling in the last week by gender, adults' views on whether or not drinking increases the risk of certain medical conditions by gender, adults' attitude to own drinking by age and gender, proportion of children agreeing with attitudes about drinking by age and gender, prevalence of hazardous or harmful drinking in the past year by gender and age, prevalence of alcohol dependance in the past 6 months by gender and age, alcohol-related NHS hospital admissions, alcohol-related NHS hospital admissions by gender, alcohol-related NHS hospital admissions by age, NHS hospital admissions with a primary diagnosis wholly-attributable to alcohol, NHS hospital admissions with a primary diagnosis wholly-attributable to alcohol by gender, number of prescription items, net ingredient cost and average net ingredient cost per item of drugs prescribed for the treatment of alcohol dependence dispensed in the community, alcohol-related deaths by gender.

Alcohol consumption, alcohol, mortality, drinking habit, binge drinking, drinking, units per week
Identifier Variables
Economic/Subject Categories
Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking
Area of Health System
Public health
Data collecting organization (s)
NHS information centre
Data Type
Coverage (date of field work)
2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009
Unit of Analysis

All adults (aged 16 and over) and children (secondary school children aged 11 to 15) consuming alcohol

NHS information centre and Department of Health
Conditions of Access
Free access
Link[…]/alcohol 2003 dataset =[…]/DH_4080010 2004 dataset =[…]/DH_4095318
Tel: 02072104850,
Macdonald Z and Shields MA. The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Occupational Attainment in England. Economica 2001; 68: 427-453