Survey of Low Income Families (SOLIF)
- Abstract
The main focus of the research was on families on the margins of work and concerned the influence of different sources of income (benefits, maintenance and earnings) on their labour market participation and family welfare.
- Main Topics/Subject Category
- Labour market participation, income, earnings
- Variables
- Keywords
- Great Britain, alcohol consumption, alcoholic drinks, alimony, apartments, armed forces, bank accounts, basic needs, bonds, broken families, building maintenance, businesses, care of dependants, central government, charitable organizations, child care, child support payments, children, clothing, cohabitation, commuting, consumer goods, costs, council tax, credit card use, debilitative illness, debts, disabled persons, divorce, domestic appliances, economic activity, economic conditions, educational attendance, educational background, employees, employers, employment, employment history, endowment assurance, ethnic groups, families, family planning, financial commitments, financial expectations, financial management, financial resources, financial support, food, fringe benefits, full-time employment, furniture, gender, gifts, grants, heads of household, health, heating systems, home ownership, household budgets, households, houses, housing, human settlement, incentives, income, income tax, information, information sources, investment, job hunting, job security, judgments (legal), landlords, loans, local government, marital history, marriage dissolution, meals, mobile homes, mortgages, motor vehicles, one-parent families, organizations, part-time employment, payments, pension contributions, personal debt repayment, poverty, pregnancy, private, personal, pensions, private sector, promotion (job), public enterprises, public information, public sector, qualifications, rates, rebates, rented, accommodation, rents, rooms, savings, school meals, self-employed, shared home ownership, shares, smoking, social activities (leisure), social housing, social isolation, social security, social security benefits, social security contributions, social welfare, spouse's economic activity, spouse's educational background, spouse's occupation, spouse's occupational status, spouses, standard of living, subcontracting, subsidies, temporary employment, termination of service, toys and games, trade union membership, trade unions, unemployment, unwaged workers, wages, water services (buildings), women's rights, working mothers, working time, working women
- Identifier Variables
- Postcode
- Economic/Subject Categories
- Income, Earnings
- Area of Health System
- Other
- Data Available
- Demographic
- Data collecting organization (s)
- Policy Studies Institute
- Data Type
- Survey (longitudinal)
- National/Regional
- National
- Coverage (date of field work)
- 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001
- Unit of Analysis
- Individual
- Sample
Sample size varies each year. Low-income families (couples and lone parents) in Great Britain
- Availability
- ESDS Access and Preservation, UK Data Archive
- Conditions of Access
- Free registration access
- Link
- .1991- 1995[…]vey+of+Low+Income+Families+ . For 1996,1998,2001[…]/relatedStudyListForSN.asp?sn=3977
- Contact
- Publications