Institute of Alcohol Studies

- Abstract
This 'data map' is provided as a tool for researchers to navigate the publicly available data on alcohol in the UK with the hope that this will facilitate secondary analysis of extensive resources currently available. The search tool can be used to identify datasets that contain variables of interest, or use particular methods. In addition, some features of the sample can be selected. This resource therefore allows researchers to quickly find the right data for their work. You can search for datasets that satisfy a wide variety of characteristics at the same time, including:
* Alcohol questions (e.g. binge-drinking, parental attitudes to alcohol)
* Other topics (e.g. perpetrating crime, sexual behaviour, smoking) * Type of survey (e.g. longitudinal data, among children, sample size, geographical data). - Main Topics/Subject Category: Alcohol
- Variables
Demographic and health variables (age, health status and behaviour), alcohol variables (consumption, drinking pattern, other drinking, other alcohol variables), sampling and method (country, dates included, methods, method of contact, sample size, regional breakdown).
- Keywords
- Alcohol consumption, alcohol, mortality, drinking habit, binge drinking, spending, frequency, drunkenness, pregnancy, family attitude, peer pressure, alcohol services, drink driving, harm, policies, private household, mental health, drugs, diet, fitness, smoking, sexual health, sexual behaviour
- Identifier Variables
- Communities, counties, country, drug and alcohol action team areas, GOR, grouped standard regions, HA, HA regions/districts, health boards, inner city/other urban/rural breakdown, LA, LA areas, LA districts, NHS regional offices, NUTS2 areas, parliamentary constituencies, police force areas, postcode districts, postcode sectors, PCT/care trusts, Scottish regional councils, standard regions, unitary authority area, wards, Westminster parliamentary constituencies.
- Economic/Subject Categories
- Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking
- Area of Health System
- Public health
- Data collecting organization (s)
- Institute of Alcohol Studies
- Data Type
- Administrative
- National/Regional
- National
- Coverage (date of field work)
- 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
- Unit of Analysis: Individual
- Sample: Varies depending on dataset of interest.
- Availability: Institute of Alcohol Studies
- Conditions of Access: Free access, Pay to access
- Link:
- Contact: Tel: 01480466766,
- Publications:
- Cost of alcohol harm to society in England
- Alcohol-related topics and data: Alcohol Across Society, Availability, Consumption, Health, Marketing, Price, Alcohol Industry, Transport, and Violence and Crime.
- IAS’s monthly newsletter the Alcohol Alert
- Splitting The Bill: Alcohol’s Impact on the Economy
- The Economic Impact of Changes in Alcohol Consumption in the UK
- Financial Headache: The Cost of Workplace Hangovers and Intoxication to the UK Economy
- Pour Decision: The Case for Reforming Alcohol Duty
- The Covid Hangover: Addressing Long-Term Health Impacts of Changes in Alcohol Consumption During the Pandemic
- Off-Trade Alcohol Availability and Violence: Assessing the Impact of On-Trade Outlet Closures
- How Have Governments Communicated UK Alcohol Duty Policy Changes?
- Patterns in Alcohol-Related Violence: Exploring Recent Declines in Alcohol-Related Violence in England and Wales
- Inequalities in Victimisation: Alcohol, Violence, and Anti-Social Behaviour
- Who Pays the Tab? The Distributional Effects of UK Alcohol Taxes
- Modelling the Impact of Alcohol Duty Policies Since 2012 in England & Scotland