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Contains information on waiting times for diagnostic testing.

Main Topics/Subject Category
Waiting times for diagnostic tests

Total number of patients waiting, number still waiting by weeks, planned tests / procedures, unscheduled tests / procedures, waiting list tests / procedures (excluding planned)

Diagnostic, diagnosis, diagnostic testing, waiting time, waiting list, non price rationing, rationing, imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, physiological measurement, audiology, cardiology, neurophysiology, endoscopy, colonoscopy, cystoscopy, gastroscopy
Identifier Variables
PCT, NHS trust, SHA
Economic/Subject Categories
Quality, Outcomes
Area of Health System
Secondary care
Data collecting organization (s)
Department of Health
Data Type
Coverage (date of field work)
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Unit of Analysis

Includes all patients waiting for a diagnostic test/procedure funded by the NHS. This includes all referral routes (i.e. whether the patient was referred by a GP or by a hospital-based clinician or other route) and also all settings (i.e. outpatient clinic, inpatient ward, x-ray department, primary care one-stop centres etc.)

Department of Health
Conditions of Access
Free access
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