Young people and crime survey
- Abstract
The study aimed to provide an estimate of the extent, frequency and nature of self-reported offending among 14-25 year olds in England and Wales, to establish the reasons why some young people start to offend, and what influences those young offenders who desist from offending to sustain a non-criminal lifestyle.
- Main Topics/Subject Category
- Family life, their school experiences and aspects of their current lifestyle, crime, drugs.
- Variables
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- Keywords
- England and Wales, academic achievement, adolescents, adults, advice, age, aggressiveness, alcohol consumption, alcoholic drinks, alcoholism, amphetamines, arson, assault, attitudes, bank accounts, bicycles, boredom, broken families, building maintenance, burglary, cannabis, cars, child care, child-minding, children, cocaine, communities, courts, credit card use, crime, criminal damage, debts, depressed areas, disorderly conduct, domestic responsibilities, domestic violence
- Identifier Variables
- Standard regions
- Economic/Subject Categories
- Crime
- Area of Health System
- Other
- Data Available
- Demographic
- Data collecting organization (s)
- Data Type
- Survey (cross-sectional)
- National/Regional
- National
- Coverage (date of field work)
- 1992, 1993
- Unit of Analysis
- Individual
- Sample
2529 young people aged 14 to 25 (plus a booster sample of 809 young people from ethnic minorities)
- Availability
- ESDS Access and Preservation, UK Data Archive
- Conditions of Access
- Free registration access
- Link
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- Publications