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Unit costs for non-acute care in Ireland 2016—2019

Smith S. et al, (2021), HRB Open Research, 4, 39 - 39

Who, me? Optimism bias about US teenagers' ability to quit vaping.

Strombotne K. et al, (2021), Addiction (Abingdon, England)

Worldwide exome and genome sequencing: who has access, who pays, and what are solutions for implementation challenges?

Phillips K. et al, (2021), MOLECULAR GENETICS AND METABOLISM, 132, S325 - S326

Lessons from the pandemic on the value of research infrastructure.

Roope LSJ. et al, (2021), Health Res Policy Syst, 19

The first 8 weeks of the Austrian SARS-CoV-2 epidemic.

Nagel A. et al, (2021), Wien Klin Wochenschr, 133, 364 - 376

The way forward to a renewed and improved Health and Quality of Life Outcomes

Oremus M. and Rivero-Arias O., (2021), Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 19

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Handbooks in Health Economic Evaluation

A series published by Oxford University Press.