Claire Williams
Senior Researcher
Claire Williams joined HERC in August 2019 as a Senior Researcher focused on cardiovascular disease modelling. She works on lifetime risk projections of cardiovascular events and associated healthcare costs for individual patient profiles based on large randomised control trials (REVEAL, CTT).
Immediately prior to joining HERC, Claire focused on cost-effectiveness modelling and Value of Information analysis to evaluate the use of wound dressings to reduce surgical site infections.
Claire brings with her extensive experience as a medical statistician in both the NHS and academia. She completed her PhD exploring the potential of the continuous-time approach to multi-state modelling in an epidemiological and health economics context within the Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment research group at the University of Glasgow.
She has a particular ongoing interest in the use of state transition modelling and its implementation in R and in comparing them to other methods of clinical- and cost-effectiveness analysis.
Recent publications
Lifetime effects and cost-effectiveness of standard and higher-intensity statin therapy across population categories in the UK: a microsimulation modelling study
MIHAYLOVA B. et al, (2024), The Lancet Regional Health - Europe
Long-term cardiovascular risks and statin treatment impact on socioeconomic inequalities: microsimulation model
Wu R. et al, (2023), British Journal of General Practice
Prediction models for individual-level healthcare costs associated with cardiovascular events in the UK
Zhou J. et al, (2022), PharmacoEconomics
Estimating and Extrapolating Survival Using a State-Transition Modeling Approach: A Practical Application in Multiple Myeloma.
Majer I. et al, (2022), Value Health, 25, 595 - 604
Wu R. et al, (2022), VALUE IN HEALTH, 25, S16 - S16