Date and Time: Wednesday, 15th September 2021, 15:00 (UK BST)
To Join: This is a free event, which will be taking place online via Zoom. To register your interest in attending this talk please click HERE.
Julia Slejko is an Associate Professor in the University of Maryland’s School of Pharmacy. Her research is focused on innovative approaches for decision-analytic modelling for economic and health outcomes assessments. Julia is a research core lead at the Patient-Driven Values in Healthcare Evaluation (PAVE) Center, where she leads research on incorporating patient-driven value elements into cost-effectiveness analyses and other components of value assessments. Her research interests include informing decision-analytic models with real-world evidence on effectiveness, in particular patients’ adherence to medications as a determinant of value; and how adherence affects economic evaluations, where predicting and improving adherence may increase value.