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Abstract: HIV/AIDS is characterized by a combination of factors which complicate the analysis of the cost-effectiveness of interventions and optimal program design - it is a communicable disease, sexually transmitted, and characterized by very slow disease progression and transmission dynamics. The consequences of HIV prevention interventions therefore evolve over time and across the population, and transmission patterns are highly heterogenous. Owing to the global scaling-up of treatment, HIV/AIDS has been transformed into a chronic disease. This means that returns to investment of HIV prevention interventions have shrunk, but financial returns (in terms of savings in treatment costs etc.) have become more pervasive. The presentation will discuss various approaches which have emerged to address aspects of the cost-effectiveness of HIV/AIDS-related interventions and to evaluate program effectiveness.

Markus HaackerBiography: Markus Haacker is an economist working at the intersections of macroeconomics, global health, public finance, and economic development. He is a Visiting Scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health, has worked for the International Monetary Fund and as a consultant for the World Bank and UNAIDS, and holds a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics. He is the author of The Economics of the Global Response to HIV/AIDS, forthcoming at Oxford University Press in June 2016.

Forthcoming External Talks

The Health Economic and Policy Seminar Series

Wednesday, 03 April 2024 to Saturday, 31 May 2025