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Dates 2005-2007
Funding European Commission
Collaborators Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), London School of Economics
Information Judit Simon

Mental Health Economics European Network (MHEEN)

The primary objective of this study is to collect data for cross-country comparison on mental health economic issues, to analyse barriers and incentives to mental health system improvements, to estimate cost-effectiveness of mechanisms and strategies to promote good mental health, and to assess mental health service utilisation and costs in Europe.

The Mental Health Economics European Network (MHEEN) is a 31-country partnership coordinated by the London School of Economics and Mental Health Europe. Phase II of the project made international comparisons across the European Union on mental health economic issues by looking in depth at the primary mental health economics data between 2005 and 2007.

Analysis of the barriers and incentives inherent in the organisation of mental health care services was carried out. The economic aspects of de-institutionalisation of mental health care services were also analysed, as was the economic evidence relating to mental health promotion strategies. The project developed and applied a tool for assessing resource allocation and services utilisation at a local level across Europe. The important task of building capacity for mental health economics expertise and knowledge sharing was also a concern.

Judit Simon has been member of the network since 2005 and has been responsible for collecting relevant data for Hungary. The project resulted in several policy briefs and academic publications.


Knapp, M, McDaid, D, Medeiros, H, Becker, T, Johnson, S, Kilian, R, Salvador-Carulla, L, Simon, J, and Tartar M on behalf of the MHEEN Group (2008). Economics, Mental Health and Policy: An Overview. MHEEN II Policy Briefing, Personal Social Services Research Unit: London.


Mental Health Economics European Network (MHEEN) Symposium, Brussels, Belgium: Mental health and social care services in Hungary (1990-2006). (December 2007)